'More Life' Angels in America flies back to Broadway

Tonight, the curtain will rise in the Walter Kerr theatre, and Angels in America will be back on Broadway for the first time in over 20 years. I have a more historical, academic post planned for opening night. And it feels right to somehow mark the day on this blog. But for the moment when Angels 'flies' again on Broadway I thought I'd do something a little more 'from the heart'. And that's exactly where I feel it. I think about the play starting performances again tonight, I think about this production getting 'more life' and I feel that surge in my chest. Of love, of pride of some kind of aching need to be there and see it myself. And a sense of excitement for all those about to see it. To experience the play for the first time. Or to experience this production. (For anyone interested I'm going in June. So, my own thoughts on the transfer will have to wait a while.) I was asked last weekend ‘So why do you love An...