Project Book update...Painful Progress

I don't know if I ever intended monthly project book updates but here we go.... Well I'll be honest this isn't so much of a 'project book' update as it will be a general moan about life. But this blog is designed to both document the book-writing process as much as it is to share the research. And the reality is, this kind of stuff is part of the process. So, life update. Or at least job update. Or indeed lack of job update. I spent Christmas working in a bookshop. Which was hard work but fairly enjoyable all told. And before it ended I found out I had a temporary admin job lined up. Happy days, I can have a routine, and work on my research around the work. As it happened the job wasn't what I'd hoped. For reasons I may get to talk about in more detail another time. But added to that, this week they decided to let me go. And I'll be honest I've taken it hard. From the financial worry once again, to the crippling feelings of 'failure...