Cast Notes 2

Hannah Pitt/Ethel Rosenberg - Susan Brown Hannah ends up being the character we all wish we could grow up into. But there’s a complex and fascinating character under the Mormon-Mother bluster and the sensible non-nonsense approach to life. Susan Brown’s Hannah is a sensitive and incredibly human portrayal of that woman. Brown firstly takes on a variety of roles including opening both parts of the play as the Rabbi and the Bolshevik, and later as Roy’s Doctor Henry. It is a clever framing device of Kushner’s to place all the powerful men (bar Roy) as a woman (another, Joseph Heller is played by Gough- relevant because of the scene’s influence on Joe’s life). As both the Rabbi and the Bolshevik Brown gets the kind of sweeping religious and political proclamations usually reserved for the speeches of men. More than that however, to take from Kushner’s comments on the matter himself, there is a sense of fun to it. With the Bolshevik opening the sprawling Perestro...